Shiatsu Birth Preparation

Shiatsu for Birth

Shiatsu Birth Preparation sessions are available for mothers-to-be and their birth partners. 


 ·      They can be a lovely way to bond together as a family

 ·       Birth partners are shown techniques to support the mother and baby leading up to and during birth, including birth positions and how your partner can support you at each stage, and labour focus points to help support the birth. 

 ·       The techniques and acupressure points can be used leading up to and during different birth situations.  Shiatsu does not interfere with drugs and is often effective as pain relief in itself.

 ·       sessions offer space to explore your needs and any concerns you have about the birth

 ·       techniques to help you to tune into your body and needs so that you can pace yourself physically and emotionally during the birth

 ·       time to practice together and connect with your baby so that you can support each other and your baby during birth